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Part 2: other consonants Last time, we looked at five consonant sounds (/w/, /ð/, /θ/ , /h/, /r/ ) that are especially problematic for typical Russian speakers. In this part, we will look at other consonants and and consonant features that can be a problem of lesser seriousness. Next time, we will cover vowels. […]
For many people, the Listening Section of the IELTS test is the scariest. In reading and writing, a student can go back and check his answers. He can reread the passage or erase his awkward sentences. In contrast, a student can only listen to the audio once. No replays. No rewinds. Once and it’s over. […]
When I was a high school student, my teacher told me that learning a new language is a marathon, not a sprint. I didn’t truly know what that meant until I started teaching English abroad. Most students want to learn English as quickly as possible, and they treat their lessons like a sprint. They memorize […]
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Мне очень нравится изучать английский в языковой школе «StudyRoom». Здесь очень дружный и веселый коллектив. Занятия проходят очень интересно и непренужденно.
Обучение на курсах английского языка «StudyRoom» проходит довольно на высоком уровне. Занятия дают возможность дискутировать на различные темы, практиковать разговорную речь.